Strategic Sites
A core activity of Beaulieu Homes is the identification; promotion and development of Major Sustainable Developments and Urban Extensions as new and vibrant mixed-use communities. Beaulieu are far more than a regional housebuilder. The company has moved to being a Master Developer through:
- Land assembly
- Creative solutions for infrastructure provision
- Our approach to meeting and overcoming complex challenges
Beaulieu’s approach to Strategic residential and mixed-use developments starts with site assembly, master planning, promotion through the Local Development Framework and the provision of strategic on-site and off-site infrastructure. Beaulieu meet the full obligations of the local authority requirements set out in legal planning agreements. These will include the provision of (or financial contributions to secure); community facilities such as schools, healthcare, landscaping, open space, recreation facilities and affordable housing, together with all aspects of the public realm. Beaulieu Homes actively seek opportunities to secure agreements to promote and develop Strategic Land, and will undertake an honest and early appraisal of any opportunity presented to them.